Saturday, November 5, 2016


                      QUOTE BY  ARUN JETLEY

*"Annual Revisions in Pensions do not happen anywhere in the World*" - Arun Jetley
*Some other things that do not happen anywhere in the world except India*:-
1. Commander in Chief who has no idea of what he is commanding.
2. Central police forces that are headed by people who have never commanded troops.
3. *The military is left out of all decision making processes concerning military matters*.
4. *Police forces are used for “VIP” protection and the army is expected to do police work*.
5. *The majority of the country’s leadership are either uneducated, overage, unhealthy and/or have criminal records*.
6. Political leaders occupy sprawling mansions with a pittance for rent.
7. *A Member of Parliament is entitled to a pension and perks even if he/she has been a MP for just one day*. AND  Military officers get demoted even in their retirement in the name of
8. Parliament does not function for a single day during a session.
9. *A system of reservations for jobs and promotions ensures that the country will remain in mediocrity for perpetuity*.
10. *And last, but not the least, an individual whose loss in an election proves his loser status is rewarded with the most important portfolio in the cabinet*.
This should be made viral..

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